TOPER Calculator Tool (Takeoff Performance Calculator)
Welcome to the world of more realistic flight simulation!
Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. With an extensive database on Boeing 737-800 engines performance TOPER allows you to acurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature to complete a reduced power takeoff.
The use of assumed temperature not only brings you closer to real life aircraft operation, but consider a scenario where you have a light load and a very long runway: using the maximum allowed thrust would accelerate your aircraft so quickly that it would make your airplane take-off like a rocket and you will most likely accelerate way beyond the V2+20 knots in the initial climb. Reduced thrust and reduced rate of acceleration also results in more time for the flight crew to scan the instruments before reaching V1.
Now you can finally use that "N1 LIMIT" page on your 738 CDU like a pro!
  • Accurate ASSUMED TEMPERATURE calculations using variety of parameters
  • Takeoff performace for type Boeing 737-800 with CFM56-7B26 engines
  • Easy-to-read manual explaining how to use the program and what is the program for
Takeoff Performance Calculator now brings you one step closer to real life aircraft operations. With an extensive database on Boeing 777 family performance, TOPER allows you to accurately calculate the highest safe assumed temperature for a reduced power take-off and the appropriate take-off speeds. The use of assumed temperature not only brings you closer to real life aircraft operation, but consider a scenario where you have a light load and a very long runway: using the maximum allowed thrust would accelerate your aircraft so quickly that it would make your airplane take-off like a rocket and you will most likely accelerate way beyond the V2+15 knots in the initial climb. Reduced thrust and reduced rate of acceleration also results in more time for the flight crew to scan the instruments before reaching V1.
Now you can finally use that "TAKEOFF REF" page on your 777 CDU like a pro!
  • Worldwide database with close to 11,000 airports and 29,000 runways.
  • Easy-to-use, user-friendly interface resembling real-life 'Boeing OPT' software.
  • Real-life performance data from Boeing.
  • Flap 5,15 and 20 calculations .
  • Accurate ASSUMED TEMPERATURE calculations .
  • Accurate V-Speeds (V1,VR,V2) calculations.
  • Take-off performance for type Boeing 777-200ER, 777-200LR, 777-300, 777-300ER
  • Multiple choice of units: kilograms (kg), pounds (lb), meter (m), feet (ft), hPa (hecto Pascal), inHg (Inches of mercury).
  • Easy-to-read manual explaining how to use the program.
Download Size: 8.31 MB
Pass: FlamerFTW

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