SamScene3D - Frankfurt RealCity X [FSX/FSX:SE/P3Dv2/P3Dv3/P3Dv4]

Frankfurt is a metropolis and the largest city in the German state of Hesse and the fifth-largest city in Germany. This scenery is the second german city SamScene created, the first one is Munich.

The scenery includes 3 different seasons and night light view, with very good frame rate because 80% are the autogen houses
Scenery Features

high definition photo texture of Frankfurt city

over 10,000 autogen buildings and houses with german style designs

custom made bank, commercial buildings, tower, etc.

3d models of main Frankfurt train station
detailed downtown area and square, churchs and landmark buildings
Many more commercial buildings you would need to discover them by yourself !

custom made bridge along the river
Autumn view of Frankfurt downtown

Winter view of Frankfurt city area

night light view with ORBX installed in P3Dv4
System Requirement
Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration / FSXSE / Prepar3D v3, v4
Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8 or newer.
Processor with 2Ghz Dual/Quad core 4GB RAM
Video Card 2Gb or higher 3.0 GB available on your hard disk   
File Size: 1.8G

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