Alabeo - PA44 Seminole v1.1 [FSX/FSX:SE/P3Dv2/P3Dv3/P3Dv4]

Features Version 1.1
Steam gauges and G600 panels
Flight1 GTN 750* integration
Reality XP GNS530* integration (only for FSX)
Clickable copilot (hide/unhide)
Alabeo G600 and GNS530
Takeoff run and landing real rolling movement effect
Full FSX - Steam and P3D v2.5 and v3.0 compatible.
Cold and Dark start option
Superb material shines and reflections.
Volumetric side view prop effect
Gauges reflections
Knob click sounds
Windows scratches and blades shines
High quality 3D model and textures.
Realistic behavior

*Flight1 GTN 750 and Reality XP GNS530 are sold separately

Download Size: 289 MB

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